Jun 24Liked by Miranda van den Heuvel

Oh Miranda, I so get it…it’s such a vulnerable point in our lives as mothers (parents) when our kids turn into adults and start choosing their own paths. I read somewhere the other day, that it will never be the same again. It can’t be, we know that deep down. That’s what change is of course, but it’s okay to let it take a little while to sink in, to settle into different ways and new interactions.

Big hugs ❤️

Oh and I still ‘forced’ them all to go together this year….it may well have

been the last time too 🥺

Also…a few weeks ago I too saw my son drive off into the sunset on his motorcycle and felt my heart shudder as he blew caution into the wind and loved the feeling of utter freedom! 🏍️

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Lieve Mies! Bedankt voor je reactie en leuk te horen dat we weer op hetzelfde levensspoor zitten. Het is wat het is. En ik vertrouw erop dat ze hun weg vinden klem ik de mijne.

Mocht je een keer met je kids een weekendje Luxemburg willen doen dan laat het maar weten!

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Jun 23Liked by Miranda van den Heuvel

I've been a runner all of my life -- well, since the age of eight. Cross country races in high school and college, 5K races with my son on Thanksgiving, Marathon training to get out of the house and head when my daughter was a wild teen-ager. Last fall my body decided I was done. I hung up my running shoes for good. I've had to find different ways to be healthy and acknowledge a new identity outside of "I am a runner."

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I hear you. I was a runner too. Then some health issues put a stop to that for a while. And now I mainly walk or when I run it's mainly a slow puffing 😂

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